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The day I realized I was a dreamer, I was a young girl in the countryside of Zambia who would later migrate to New York City. I’ve been right where you are – tired and sick of being tired of dried fish meals my grandmother prepared for my sisters and I while my mother traded goods by traveling to different countries to supply local wholesalers.
My mother gave me the first glimpse of what opportunities come with a strong work ethic. When she asked me what I was daydreaming, I expressed the deep desire to travel to America and she made it possible for me to live my dream.
I created this community so that immigrants from all over the world can draw inspiration from our own stories that we share individually and collectively so that none of us feel alone.
Our superpower is that we dream. No one can tell your story as it is unique to you. I believe you have something to give by using your voice to empower and uplift those who arrive after you as we honor the journey of those who came before.

The number of amazing little humans I’ve created since I arrived in this country
The number of years since my mother cashed in on her trading business to afford me an opportunity to move from Zambia to New York City
The number of days I dream about empowering others to share their immigration story

Immigration Service
The truth is, many of us arrive to a new destination feeling inspired to write our new chapter. As reality sets in we are challenged to navigate a new set of cultural norms. Knowing it can be confusing, lonely and sometimes scary, our vision and focus is to help you integrate here to New York City. Our goal is to be along side you as you embark on your new journey. The Concrete Pastures team provides targeted wrap-around services based on the needs of each client, to fully support your successful integration.

If you have a question, I have an answer. If you’d rather connect on social, hit any of the links below and drop your comment. I’ll get back to you within 48 hours.